The FTA has decided on lifting the ship’s crew change restrictions gradually, and in the first stage under special circumstances, the priorities will be given to :

  1. Seafarers with resident visas who are stuck onboard their ships.
  2. Crews of passenger ships currently laid up in UAE.
  3. Crew members who are no longer medically fit to work onboard the ship.
  4. Seafarers with urgent medical or humanitarian cases.

In order to implement the above, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The seafarer should be on board a ship that has left her last International port at least 14 days ago, and there was no contact with any person outside the ship from outside UAE in the last 14 days.
  2. Providing air ticket for the seafarer.
  3. Submitting a medical statement for the seafarer suffering from the health condition that he is not fit to serve onboard the ship and he is able to travel on the flight to his home country.

Reference: fta.gov.ae

Tuesday 2020/2/11

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